How To Know It Is the Time to Update Your Website?

23 November, 2022 , Website

How often one should update the website, is the most asked question every time onboarding a new client. It is mainly related to organic search or SEO. There is no particular period you can say for every website about the time to update the website.


Reasons You Want to Update Your Website

  • To Make It Responsive and Mobile Friendly
  • To Fix Your Core Web Vitals
  • Having An Outdated Web Design
  • Better Website Speed
  • For An SEO Strategy That Includes Updating the Existing Copy with The New One or Adding Some Pages for Better Ranks of a Website
  • Adding New Content to Attract New Visitors to The Website
  • With Social Media Presence Which Requires Regular Updates
  • When Adding New Products or Services



Mobile And Responsive Website

You can update the website’s mobile-friendly and responsive designs whenever you want and there is no need to change content, internal links, or URLs.



For Better Loading Speed

It is a must for every website to monitor and enhance the website’s loading speed. Ensure there must be some elements on the website supporting the page speed. To Fix the Core Web Vitals- The core web vitals of the website should exceed Google requirements to offer a better user experience. Update the cire web vital metrics whenever required. Test the new pages after launching to rectify the core web vital issues. It plays a vital role in a better google page experience.



As a Planned SEO Strategy

Craft a well-planned SEO strategy for successful website performance which includes updating blogs or news on the website. News or blog sites generate profit with advertising, selling services or products, and affiliate sales ensure you updated your website according to that scenario. Some sites need daily updates but with very thin content which is less than 300 words. It is an effective idea to generate an amount of traffic to the website. You can seek guidance from the experts from the SEO standpoint.



For ECommerce Website Updates

ECommerce website is to sell products virtually or physically and getting traffic to the eCommerce shop can be done with referrals, Social Media, SEO, Paid Advertising, and email marketing. If you are using paid media to get traffic, then regular updates are not required but can go with the SEO strategy for the purpose. When it is about updating the existing products, you can update the descriptions once a month if you are not getting enough traffic for the products. If you are ranking better already, then suggested to keep it untouched.



Updating the Service-Based Website

Social media paid advertising, referrals, SEO, and email marketing are helpful to drive traffic to your service-based website same as eCommerce websites. When you are getting customer acquisition with paid media then no regular updates are required. You can use the power of SEO to drive traffic to websites and so is considered the best option for service-based businesses. You can update your website once a month for better search rankings.


AR Digital Solutions is a leading website design, web development, and digital marketing company that ensures to answer all your website and its performance requirements. Our team of experts can give a new and refreshing look to the old website and create a new website that ranks better. For more information, give us a call!

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